A road rage crash in Monroe County has residents calling for change.

Police say the incident started on Interstate 80 but ended leaving a path of destruction on a local Stroudsburg Road.

Luckily no one was injured but we’re told it could’ve easily been much worse.

"He just took them out. One of them ended up here on my neighbor’s porch."

That’s just one of the three metal signs you can see that a vehicle snapped off on Barry Street in Stroudsburg. One was the 15 mile-per-hour sign as caught on video.

Neighbor Andria Rogers says, "It was like an explosion. And I told my husband there’s been a car crash and we ran outside and we found that his car had been hit."

Door camera footage sent to News13 caught the vehicle hitting that car. You can see the vehicle come up over the sidewalk. Rogers tells us the vehicle also took out part of a brick retaining wall before ending up on the opposite side of the road hitting a tree. You can see the skid marks on the pavement and pieces of the vehicle scattered all over the area.

Rogers says, "He was so lucky, no one was injured, thank God, someone could have been killed."

Police were called to the crash just before 5am Monday morning. We’re told it started as a road rage incident on Interstate 80. The two vehicles exited Park Avenue and continued onto Barry Street. Police say one vehicle was involved in the crash but it was being chased.

Stroud Area Regional Police Lieutenant Michael Sampere says, "If you have an encounter with somebody that becomes, they want to become aggressive or violent, you get on the phone with 911 and call right away. Try to pull off to a safe location, instead of trying to you know handle it yourself."

Neighbors both on and off camera tell us this street became a drag strip ever since this one way sign switched to this direction and something needs to be done about it.

Rogers says, "It’s really scary. I’ve already felt not very safe on this road and I hope it’s a wake up call to the city council."

Police say no charges have been filed yet because the crash and what exactly led up to it is still under investigation in Stroudsburg.