Monroe County Vector Control is calling out for a road side dump site in Stroudsburg to be cleaned up. We’re told it’s not only an eyesore but can cause devastating health problems.

"Even the rim of this tire is enough water here for mosquitoes to grow. But it’s all very fresh."

Monroe County Vector Control Coordinator Aaron Lombard is surveying garbage dumped on Katz Road for mosquito larva. And spilling out the still-standing water from the various objects after he checks them.

Lombard says, "A lot of mosquitoes breed in artificial containers or anywhere that water can sit for extended periods of time. And ditches like this are great habitat, especially when people dump."

Lombard discovered the spot a year ago and it’s known to attract the lurking parasites looking to lay their eggs. But recently, the build up of tires, furniture, and toys has escalated to include a lot of trash.

Lombard says, "The mosquitoes that are breeding here could very easily impact the local community, which I know there are elderly people that live there and those are some of the more vulnerable folks so it is really paramount that we get control of this junk."

Vector Control just found two mosquito populations, one in Hamilton Township and the other in Delaware Water Gap, containing West Nile Virus.

Lombard says, "You could deal with body aches, pains, paralysis, brain damage for the rest of your life just from one mosquito bite."

Employees of RJ Groner working near the eyesore tell us they’ve noticed a lot more of the bloodsuckers in the area. The operations manager shows us where he’s spotted Vector Control setting traps on their property.

RJ Groner Operations Manager John Tuohy says, "We asked them some questions about it and were actually very happy that they’re involved in the community in trying to gather data and do something about this."

He’s also noticed the trash build up but didn’t realize the connection.

Tuohy says, "It’s actually very disappointing, I mean this area is a beautiful area, especially this time of year when everything is in bloom and then you’re driving along and you see trash on the road and now we know that mosquitoes are breeding in that trash, that’s a big concern."

Vector Control has reached out to Stroudsburg Borough to get the mess cleaned up before disease ridden pests arrive. But officials also want you to check your own property, something as small as a bottle cap with water can create a dangerous situation.