As like much of the nation, illegal gun possession and gun violence continues to be a problem in Monroe County.

Grant money is on the way to help the community bring awareness of gun safety.

News 13's Ameenah Thompson joins us live from our Monroe County newsroom, with more on the plan. Ameenah?

Thanks Marie, organizers tell us there are about 70 individuals who are participating, which include school districts, gated communities, local legislative officials as well as businesses and community members.

Monroe Counts grants manager says, "We would say that our survey focuses around not only gun ownership but really community perspectives on safety community perspectives on policing as well as the mental health aspect of gun ownership and safety."

Jennifer Strauch Monroe County grants manager tells us its really just to focus on the education aspect.

"We're hoping to get about 350 surveys back from the community and our goal around the community partnership for gun safety is really to create a strategic plan what are the next steps for Monroe County what is it that our community wants to focus on?", says Strauch.

Firearms investigator Corporal Danny Acosta says, "Like a lot of areas in this country you know gun violence is an issue mental health is an issue and those are you know mental health is also another point that we've been discussing a lot, as a law enforcement agency we're committed to getting guns off the street that shouldn't be there."

Corporal Danny Acosta says the data will essentially guide them on how to implement funding and what they want to do as far as gun violence.

Acosta says, "For past couple months we've been in an information gathering phase where we're just kind of gaining as much knowledge getting as much data as possible to know what how best to serve the community."

Thomas R. Wilkins business owner at gun keepers says this survey will be great for the community.

Wilkins says, "There's a lot of times kids can figure out combinations to safes and there's different safety features on a firearm so I learned quite a lot...awareness is probably the biggest word and the best word to use about the gun violence in Monroe County and how it would effect it."

Organizers say you can find the survey on this website and soon it will be posted throughout the county, the survey will be open until mid December. I'm Ameenah Thompson reporting live from our Monroe County newsroom now back to you in the studio.