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We would also love to see photos of Weather in your Neighborhood.
Remember to include your name and any details about your submission.

*photos and videos may be shared on our newscasts and/or social media

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Contest Info

Duis magna lorem, tristique vel elementum vel, hendrerit et tellus. Nulla eget ante id arcu dapibus dictum nec bibendum erat. Integer in lacus molestie, tempor quam sit amet, euismod nunc. Etiam ultrices, enim sed auctor hendrerit, neque augue aliquam arcu, vitae placerat nibh ante a eros. Etiam tincidunt in diam sed dignissim. Nulla a commodo ipsum. Phasellus vitae egestas tortor.

Contest will be open for entries on Monday June 1st at 9:00 AM until Monday June 7th at 9:00 AM.

Entry Form

WeekPocono ReportValley ReportNight Report
1 Test person Test Person Test person
2 test person one Test Person Test Person
3 Test Person Test Person Test Person